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Charisma Dios Olympia PGI

By The Master Miller P.C.

Charisma Dios Olympia PGI is a premium early harvest extra virgin olive oil sourced from olive trees in and around the iconic archaeological site of Ancient Olympia. Each bottle uniquely encapsulates the spirit of Greece's cultural heritage. Our olives are cultivated amidst historic landscapes that echo the tales of gods, Olympic champions, philosophers and citizens. This unique terroir imparts a distinctive character to this product, as it becomes a true reflection of Greece's timeless legacy.
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About The Master Miller P.C.

Papadopoulos Olive Oil is a family company that is always in pursuit of excellence. We are proud to serve these ancient and magnificent tastes from a selection of olives that were picked at optimum ripeness and pressed ultra-cold.
Producer Profile
Tasting Sensations
Tomato Leaf
Gold award

Food Pairing

Sautéed Peas


Food Pairing

Sautéed Asparagus


Food Pairing

Fried Potatoes

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