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Mas des Bories Aglandau

By Mas des Bories

Mas des Bories Aglandu is an extra virgin olive oil from Provence. We cultivate our olives with an unconditional respect for trees, land and local biodiversity, and we pick them by hand. Each variety is harvested separately, at its optimum stage of maturity, and then transformed individually in our mill by cold extraction. Thus, The single-varietal oils reveal the singular flavors of Provence's finest olive oil varieties.
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About Mas des Bories

Our passion for olive oil begins in our orchards with the attention paid to our trees throughout the year. The search for total quality at the expense of productivity, the pleasure of taking care of details and a choice of authenticity shape our vision of top-of-the-range craftsmanship. A family business in the commune of Salon de Provence, France, the Earl Mas des Bories comprises 1,700 olive trees and a private mill in the heart of the olive grove.
Producer Profile
Short Information
Tasting Sensations
Tomato Leaf
Gold award

Food Pairing

Fried Potatoes


Food Pairing

Pork Vegetable Stir-Fry


Food Pairing

Roasted Potatoes

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